Get doctor advice, treatment plan and prescriptions starting at $29.99 Available all Day, Nights and Weekends
No appointments or insurance needed.
We stand behind all the medical care and advice we provide. If you aren't happy with the service we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and refund policy. Same day turnaround during business hours guaranteed.
You don't need insurance to use NostressMDs and the visit fee you see is the full price. We do NOT share or sell personal medical information.
Your personalized treatment plan will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice within a couple of hours.
Our board certified doctors are committed to using the strictest medically approved guidelines to ensure it’s safe to give you a prescription.
Our visit fee is less than most co-pays. If we can’t help, there’s no charge.
You can start a visit now and be done in minutes. Same day turnaround.
Still have questions? We’ve got answers. Email us or give us a call
Our service uses technology to bridge the gap between the internet and an in-person doctor visit for most medical issues. Our platform is designed to make quality healthcare accessible and convenient for patients.
NostressMDs .com is not a substitute for a doctor’s visit. We are committed to providing sound medical care based on the information that you provide. For emergency situations, we recommend that you visit a physician.
Our platform is fully HIPAA compliant, your data is encrypted to keep your records safe and secure.
You answer health questions online from your smartphone or computer, one of our licensed medical provider will review and if it’s safe to they will send you treatment for minor illness, prescriptions refills & affordable Lab tests.
NostressMDs .com works exclusively with board certified doctors who are required to complete background checks along with a screening test. We are committed to delivering the highest quality of care.
You will receive an email notification confirming that your case has been received and an email notification when your prescription is ready to be picked up at your pharmacy.